
moronic1 Game profile


Aug 28th 2010, 11:39:14

I bought some tanks on the public market and got the message:
"Some of these goods were purchased for a better price on your private market."

When I then looked at the internal market, the number of available tanks to buy was "-225,665"

I then tried to buy one tank from there and got:

"You purchased nothing. Please ensure you entered a valid amount of goods to purchase", which seems reasonable and it then showed the quantity available as 0.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 28th 2010, 15:42:23

that was a problem with the market change I made last night.

It should be fixed now
Let me know if your PM doesn't fix itself
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

moronic1 Game profile


Aug 28th 2010, 17:26:38

It looks like it is back to not looking at the internal market when you buy on the public, even if you have cheaper goods on the internal market.

The bug is no longer there, but is the functionality as intended?

moronic1 Game profile


Aug 28th 2010, 23:59:01

If I have 1,000 tanks in the internal market and buy 999 on the public, it will now buy all of them on the internal market if it is cheaper. If I instead buy 1,001, it will buy all of them from the public market?

From what I remember, in Earth:2025 it would have bought 1,000 on the internal market (if it is the lowest price) and the remaining 1 on the public market.

snawdog Game profile


Aug 29th 2010, 0:03:07

yea, i tested that in FFA with 500k tanks on a theo and got the same fail.
What i was trying to do was see if you bought more from your PM then it had in stock,and just put PM in negative numbers of stock...

Edited By: snawdog on Aug 29th 2010, 0:06:12
See Original Post
ICQ 364553524

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Aug 29th 2010, 3:52:54

moronic1 is correct, we'll have to fix that i think
Finally did the signature thing.

Ozzite Game profile


Aug 29th 2010, 17:51:36

So you not only get the higher price but it fluffs your PM...ouch, gotta make sure not to do that!
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 29th 2010, 18:16:16

mmm it shouldn't "fluff your PM"

it should just not buy from the PM if your PM doesn't have enough space to fill the whole order

it was not my intention to make the PM do partial sales, but if there's a need for that we can certainly add it :)
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting