


Nov 30th 2017, 20:08:05

1. While I agree tighter restrictions should be good, they simply don't work. Maybe the mentally ill guy down the road shouldn't have a gun, and shouldn't be sold a gun, greed comes into play. Someone will sell him a gun illegally.

2. You don't need guns for terrorism. Boston bombing, Paris attacks with the truck, Oklahoma city bombing, knife and axe attacks in China, and other forms of terrorism without a gun. *gasp*

If people want to kill you they will find a way, but at least concealed carry allows some of us law abiding citizens to even the playing ground.

Oh and comparing guns to pedophiles is stupid.

Maybe compare homosexuality to pedophilia would be more in line.
Dev encouraging it

Ivan Game profile


Nov 30th 2017, 20:18:15

"but at least concealed carry allows some of us law abiding citizens to even the playing ground."

Please tell me what mass shooting has ever been stopped by law abiding citizens?

And the problem with guns arent guns its people, and theres a fluffload of people out there whos really scary and im not only talking about mass murderers im talking about people who leave their guns out for kids to find



Nov 30th 2017, 20:41:45
Dev encouraging it

Buch Game profile


Nov 30th 2017, 21:05:11

Haha ivan you lose again.

Just admit you're scared of guns because you know nothing about them. It's ok.

sinistril Game profile


Nov 30th 2017, 21:07:07

Who thinks guns should be sold to ppl with mental disorders or on terror watch lists etc? No one said that. People acknowledge that these people will find a way to get these guns anyways, yes, but no one said we should make it easy. What people are saying is why ban these weapons for sane ppl and good citizens? Should we ban twitter because terrorists regularly use it for propaganda? Or facebook because terrorists regularly use it to recruit etc? Ban fertiziler because it's been used in major bombs? Ban planes because terrorists hijacked them on 9/11? Ban trucks because terrorists use them to ram people? Ban the Quran because terrorists often cite it as their motivation? When you have to infringe on what the many do because of a dismally small minority of people who will find a way to commit their crimes whether or not something is illegal then you have sold your liberty, and you have sold it cheap.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

mrford Game profile


Dec 1st 2017, 4:41:58

Originally posted by Ivan:

Please tell me what mass shooting has ever been stopped by law abiding citizens?

Quite a few. Even Laughtner was confronted by a CCW was he not?

Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Ivan Game profile


Dec 1st 2017, 15:28:08

Laughtner wasnt confronted by a CCW, he was hit with a chair and tackled by an army vet :P

Ivan Game profile


Dec 1st 2017, 15:33:13

the hawk link 1 guy arrested by police
link 2 guy shoot someone that murderer someone, thats a mass shooting?
link 3 ok legit so its happend 1 out of 400 times mass shootings? :P

Sinistril guns are constructed to kill nothing else, you cant kill someone with a twitter account nad cars purpose
arent to kill etc and even then we dont let just anyone drive a car but in your country you let bout everyone buy a gun

that is all

Buch Game profile


Dec 1st 2017, 15:45:23

#2 is the good thing about ccw.... Can't be a mass shooting if you stop the guy. Way better response time then the police

Ivan Game profile


Dec 1st 2017, 15:59:30

if neither of em had a gun no one would have been shoot :P

Buch Game profile


Dec 1st 2017, 16:23:58

That will never happen.

Murder is illegal that should be enough to stop it Ivan shouldn't it?

Heroin is illegal how come so many people use it? It's banned so how do people find it?

If you ban guns then only people who break laws will have them.

Ivan Game profile


Dec 1st 2017, 18:30:39

Edited By: Ivan on Dec 1st 2017, 18:35:58
See Original Post

Ivan Game profile


Dec 1st 2017, 18:31:38

Yeah the US is a large producer of opium.... its all bout border control :P

sinistril Game profile


Dec 1st 2017, 19:22:28

Originally posted by Ivan:

You realise he never said that, right? I guess I can see how easily you're taken in by fake news though
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Ivan Game profile


Dec 1st 2017, 19:26:09

Difference between us that i removed it asap after i fact checked it, you dont fact check at all :P

heck i changed it before you even saw it

sinistril Game profile


Dec 1st 2017, 19:44:49

If you say so.. LOL
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Dec 1st 2017, 21:08:21

Originally posted by Buch:
#2 is the good thing about ccw.... Can't be a mass shooting if you stop the guy. Way better response time then the police

I'm not contributing to this debate, but I will +1 this comment.

The question presented is a fallacy in my opinion. How can you measure such a thing well? How many shootings only killed 1 person because the shooter was killed before he could kill again? Personally, I've seen it on the news more often than once. Further, if the shooter has killed enough people to be considered a "mass shooting", how could you possibly make the claim that the shooter was successfully "stopped by law abiding citizens"?

These are rhetorical questions, obviously. Carry on.

iTarl Game profile


Dec 5th 2017, 1:46:00

what is an assault rifle ? didnt know I could buy one

Riddler Game profile


Dec 5th 2017, 2:19:32

Originally posted by Ivan:
Also if you need an assault rifle to hunt with yer a fluff

First things first, there is no such thing as an ASSAULT rifle. As fR AS THE ar 15 IS CONCERNED IT IS A SEMI AUTOMATIC RIFLE, THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF VARIETIES OF SEMI AUTOMATIC RIFLES.!!! I hunt with a 30-06 bolt action rifle to hunt with, my AR is for home intruders, or god forbid another civil war ever breaks out. Just because our technology advances it doesnt make our freedoms obsolete.

mrford Game profile


Dec 5th 2017, 5:06:50

Originally posted by iTarl:
what is an assault rifle ? didnt know I could buy one

"Assault Rifle" has come to describe any scary looking gun. In reality it is extremely difficult to obtain a true assault rifle and you need extensive permits. They are prohibitively expensive as well. No recent mass shootings have been carried out using one and the last I can remember is the early 90s LA bank robbery.

My AR looks like a military issue weapon but it is semi auto.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Syko_Killa Game profile


Dec 5th 2017, 6:08:02

If my government takes away our guns. Im going to buy an old knights in armor suit and you will see me armed with a sword, sheild and a bowcaster. Basically the feds want complete and unchallenged control to make and enforce whatever rules they want. The population unarmed will be powerless. Civilians owning weapons is a bargaining chip against the authoritarians. America is filled with beauricratic warriors, when the government takes their weapons, they won't have the heart to fight back except in a courtroom. That's todays America. At the very least, the forefathers had the balls to stand up to their oppressors. Reading about the birth of America always gave me hope. Now, I know it wont last forever.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 5th 2017, 11:00:09

Gun control laws don't work, just like having a law against murder using any means doesn't guarantee there will be no further murders.

Let's say guns didn't exist, don't you think that someone bent of killing you will try using another method?

"I'll stab you in the eye with a spoon", etc.

People have been BEATEN to death, no gun required.

Increasing the laws only inhibits the law abiding citizen who will follow the rules, the criminally minded, not so much.

What Thug rapper was it that bragged about his lime being a "gunwalk", "fluff the gun laws' etc.?

Go ahead and explain away, since you can't explain at all.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

sinistril Game profile


Dec 5th 2017, 13:46:11

You're all gonna be glad guns are legal somewhere now that a google computer can develop a better AI than humans can.... Skynets online guys.... prepare yourselves accordingly. If the Swedes don't want to be armed to meet their technological overlords, that's their own damn problem if you ask me.

ps: why do you think the first AI it made is one that can distinguish between humans and other objects with a high probability? "Kill all humans" is a lot easier command when you can identify them with certainty :P
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

breeze Game profile


Dec 6th 2017, 22:09:30

I have guns and no ones is taking my guns from me.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Dec 7th 2017, 8:30:53

Originally posted by breeze:
I have guns and no ones is taking my guns from me.
when they come knocking you'll be looking for the nearest amnesty box.
Do as I say, not as I do.

ddd Game profile


Dec 7th 2017, 20:26:26

this is so simply resolved it boggles me mind nobody ever thought of it before ----




Dec 7th 2017, 21:22:16

Originally posted by ddd:
this is so simply resolved it boggles me mind nobody ever thought of it before ----


Dev encouraging it

Buch Game profile


Dec 8th 2017, 16:48:46

If we banned liberals who would we have to laugh at?