
Detmer Game profile


Jun 12th 2011, 20:34:34

Darth Moik
Member Dec 7th 6:52 PM
All clans and alliances hug trees on one level or another. Some do it for prolonged periods. Some do it better than others. Others only give them a light squeeze on the weekends. The following is a brief dispensation on the trees alliances hug, and how they do it.
Darth Moik
Member Dec 7th 6:53 PM
ARROW: Yew. Oak.
Arrow members hug their trees in an effort to find ones with good flexibility and add curvature. The end goal is to have trees which will provide an ample supply of bows and ammunition.

Army of Darkness: Ash
AoD seeks out the most vile trees they can. Their trees are grown for ceremony, being made to live well past their maturity into rot and decay via unholy Nighthugging Rituals.

AzN Dynasty: Sakura
Is a sakura tree any different froma cherry one? No, that's just the asian name for 'em. AzN grows their trees to be used in extravangant desserts and wines. But in war, they have naught but cherries to throw in their opponent's eyes, and flowery blossoms for camouflage.

Communistic Allied Forces: None
Commies live in Russia. Russia is all tundra. There are no trees in the tundra. All they do is drink vodka and pretend to hug trees. It works well apparently.

Camelot: Chestnut, Mahogany, Balsam
The knights of Camelot use their peasant mills to form their trees into cutesie little forts and hamlets. They can't weather a beatdown very well, but that sure as heck doesn't mean they can give one. Getting trampled by a horse and getting lance splinters in the face hurts, balsam or not.

Clowns With Guns: Agave, Sinsemilla
The Clowns won't hug it if they can't smoke it or drink it later. In their Hydroponic Hugging Greenhouses in British Colombia, and Peasant Hugging Farms in mexico, Clowns make a festive bounty of netgaining. For the non-botanically minded among you, Tequila is mainly Agave, and sinsemilla is another name for marijuana.

Hug and wait. Eat and wait. Hug and wait. Play cards while you wait. Hug and wait. Whittle while you wait. Wait while you hug. If you hug it, it will grow.

The Incredible CULT: Bonsai
The CULT doesn't hug, it pampers. Preening, pruning, fussing, fiddling, watering, and fertilizing... They are the CULT of the TREE!

Devil's Advocates: Cotton
DA is the official sponsor of fluff.

Fallen Angels: Any
The Fallen Angels prefer fruit-bearing and blossoming trees. They say it is to "remind themselves of the home to which they may never return. They seem to hug their tree with an almost religious fervor.

Female Body Inspectors: The Ones Outside Girls' Windows & Showers
FBI hugs voraciously ingratitude for the visions they are given access to. It is rumoured 007's tree has a view of Ruth's Sunbathing Solarium. Niiiiiice.

Genesis: Anything Short & Bendy
I wonder, should I explain the innuendo? Probably not. *slips his protection fee to the mods*

Glory: Weeping Willow
In the hot summer haze, GLORY feels the need to thump bibles. They say it's just because they wamt shade. I say it's because thumping bibles looks bloddy retarded.

Infernal Council Of Nations: Any Evergreen
As long as you smoosh yourself all the way into the pitch and amber of your tree, ViLSE is happy. Hugging icky gooey trees doesn't make sense to me, but hey, whatever turns your crank. Props to ICN for not "sticking" to conventional deciduous strats.

Illuminati X: Bamboo
Tall, thin, and deadly if attacked to much. IX puts themselves at great personal risk with the extremely splinterable bamboo trees. As an example, Alan once hugged an entire grove and got thrashed once his enemies saw a weakness.

La Familigia: Redwood, Dogwood, Cedar, Cypress
By harvesting the experience of older Dons, and sowing it to the newbies, LaF has a large number of huggers who know powerful bark-massage techniques for promoting fast and efficient sap flow. LaF trees may start out just like everyone else, but they quickly come to stand three or four times higher than average. A LaF spy needs to do no more than stand atop his trees to garner his ops.

m0m0/TMA: Tamarack
Neato-burrito neon-orange needles are DOUBLEPLUS win!

Moral Decay: Swamp Spruce, Marsh Maple, Bayou Birch
Those really sound like ice cream flavours don't they? Probably are... Either way, MDers grow their trees in shamanistic MD MUD, which has been "influenced" by MD sheep.

New Monsters: None
New Monsters don't actually exist. When was the last time you saw one?

Omega: Whining Willow
With their special open-ended and hollow branches, even slight gusts can create extremely high-pitched screeches which both hold Multi Moths at bay, and summon their natural predators.

Paradigm: Comwood
Paradigm loves Comwood trees since they are favoured homes for Theiving Magpies which steal food from each other.

Quebec: Frogwood
Frogwood doesn't exist. Perfect match for their NGing ability huh?

RAGE: Not Applicable
Someone show them a tree and give Tirol a sample hug so he knows what's going on :)

Real Estate Developers: Redwood, duh.
REDmen like big trees lining long driveways on the way up to their mansions. But, they masion isn't at an end of the driveway, its ABOVE it in the tree's branches. RED doesn't just hug trees, they wrap every possible body part around it. I know, gross, but effective.

Sky Elitez: Hybrid
First they take a bit of your tree. Then they take a bit of his tree. Then they take abit of their trees. Then they shift their trees around via the market. Eventually they have a few massive 130k acre trees, and several 60k acre ones.

Survival Of The Fittest: Hangman's Oak
I heartily suggest not trying to break a branch off an SoF tree, else you might end up with a noose around your neck!

Sons Of Liberty: Palm
They really need a vacation. Do they EVER get to netgain? Ever? Guys?

The Infernal Elite: Cypress
TIE wanted to get closer, so they got diamond. And they say it with Hallmark... and Roses. They also have pillow talk. In other words, just hugging isn't intimate enough for TIE. Heh.

United Council Of Nation: Any
UCN be huggin' like a MUTHAF**KA yo! 'Cause muthaf**kas be doin' some HUGGIN' aight? Rec'nize!